---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bitmaps - complete list of bitmaps ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BITMAPS Source_Editor Button_Tiny_Solo Button_Tiny_Add ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fonts - bitmap name, num chars, char list, char widths ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FONTS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- True Type Fonts - name referring to png and txt file (in BMFont format) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TRUETYPEFONTS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parameters - complete list of other required params eg. colours ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PARAMETERS BackgroundImage 0 FontSelectorWidth 8 SelectorButtonWidth 24 SelectorButtonWidthSmall 15 RadioButIrregIndex 2 RadioButIrregOffset 130 EnvLineR 20 EnvLineG 20 EnvLineB 255 EnvLineA 255 SelLineR 200 SelLineG 200 SelLineB 255 SelLineA 255 SyncLineR 100 SyncLineG 100 SyncLineB 255 SyncLineA 255 WarpMarkR 50 WarpMarkG 255 WarpMarkB 50 WarpMarkA 255 RadioButtonSpace 102 VUMeterR 234 VUMeterG 234 VUMeterB 234 VUMeterA 100 VUMeterClipR 255 VUMeterClipG 32 VUMeterClipB 32 VUMeterClipA 100 SelectR 0 SelectG 163 SelectB 204 SelectA 255 LineR 23 LineG 30 LineB 38 LineA 255 BackgroundR 0 BackgroundG 17 BackgroundB 26 BackgroundA 255 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ControlName ControlType Image Page x1 y1 x2 y2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PAGES EditPage SkinnableView Source_Main_Editor.txt Main 244 40 1150 750 AdditivePage SkinnableView Source_Additive_Editor.txt Main 244 40 1150 750 SpectralPage SkinnableView Source_Spectral_Editor.txt Main 244 40 1150 750 GroupPanelAlways SkinnableView Source_Main_Group_Panel_Always.txt NoAdd 0 0 250 30 GroupPanelRoundRobin SkinnableView Source_Main_Group_Panel_RoundRobin.txt NoAdd 0 0 250 30 GroupPanelController SkinnableView Source_Main_Group_Panel_Controller.txt NoAdd 0 0 250 60 GroupPanelRandomRR SkinnableView Source_Main_Group_Panel_RandomRR.txt NoAdd 0 0 250 30 GroupPanelKeyswitch SkinnableView Source_Main_Group_Panel_Keyswitch.txt NoAdd 0 0 250 60 GroupEditPanel SkinnableView Source_Main_Group_Edit.txt NoAdd 0 0 160 20 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ControlName ControlType Image Page x1 y1 x2 y2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTROLS GuiSourceGroupPanel GroupPanel Background_Black Main 17 240 236 380 GuiPageCur RadioButton Button_Group_Tiny_C Main 148 15 275 4 GuiSourceMenu ZoneNameSelector Button_Dropdown Main 51 48 155 GuiSourceOn OnButton Button_Small Main 17 48 GuiSourceEditing OnButton Button_Close Main 1116 15 GuiSourcePageSolo OnButton Button_Tiny_Solo Main 208 48 GuiZoneCur Selector Button_Dropdown Main 17 434 210 ZnKey DragSelector Button_DragSelect Main 17 473 40 ZnLoopMd Selector Button_Dropdown Main 127 473 100 ZnLoKey DragSelector Button_DragSelect Main 17 586 42 ZnHiKey DragSelector Button_DragSelect Main 73 586 42 ZnLoVel DragSelector Button_DragSelect Main 129 586 42 ZnHiVel DragSelector Button_DragSelect Main 185 586 42 ZnFadMod Selector Button_Dropdown Main 73 617 99 ZnFadeL DragSelector Button_DragSelect Main 17 656 42 ZnFadeR DragSelector Button_DragSelect Main 73 656 42 ZnFadeB DragSelector Button_DragSelect Main 129 656 42 ZnFadeT DragSelector Button_DragSelect Main 185 656 42 GuiAdditiveSync Selector Button_Dropdown Main 30 950 132 GuiSourceEditMode RadioButton Button_Group_Large_C Main 261 15 800 3 GuiGroupAdd ButtonMenu Button_Tiny_Add Main 70 86 GuiGroupList GroupSelectList Background_Black Main 17 120 236 216 GuiZoneSelectMIDI OnButton Button_Large Main 148 401 GuiZoneAdd KickButton Button_Tiny_Add Main 70 401 GuiZoneRootLearn OnButton Button_Medium Main 65 473 ZnVolume Knob Knob_45x45px_2c_0-100 Main 37 506 ZnTunCrs Knob Knob_45x45px_2c_0-100 Main 97 506 ZnPan Knob Knob_45x45px_2c_0-100 Main 157 506 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Labels- String Enabled Font Page x1 y1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LABELS Main 1 Font_Button_Label Main 286 18 Additive 1 Font_Button_Label Main 359 18 Spectral 1 Font_Button_Label Main 439 18 A 1 Font_Button_Label Main 152 18 B 1 Font_Button_Label Main 172 18 C 1 Font_Button_Label Main 192 18 D 1 Font_Button_Label Main 211 18 SOURCE 1 Font_Label_Section Main 16 16 On 1 Font_Button_Label Main 22 51 GROUP 1 Font_Label_Section Main 16 90 Starts 1 Font_Label_Small_Grey Main 17 227 S 1 Font_Button_Label Main 212 51 _ 1 Font_Button_Label Main 74 89 ZONE 1 Font_Label_Section Main 16 404 Key 1 Font_Label_Small_Grey Main 17 461 Loop_Mode 1 Font_Label_Small_Grey Main 128 461 Lo_Key 1 Font_Label_Small_Grey Main 17 574 Hi_Key 1 Font_Label_Small_Grey Main 73 574 Lo_Vel 1 Font_Label_Small_Grey Main 129 574 Hi_Vel 1 Font_Label_Small_Grey Main 185 574 Zone_Fade 1 Font_Label_Small_Grey Main 17 620 Left 1 Font_Label_Small_Grey Main 17 644 Right 1 Font_Label_Small_Grey Main 73 644 Bottom 1 Font_Label_Small_Grey Main 129 644 Top 1 Font_Label_Small_Grey Main 185 644 Select_MIDI 1 Font_Button_Label Main 157 404 _ 1 Font_Button_Label Main 74 404 Vol 1 Font_Label_Small ZnVolume 47 553 Tune 1 Font_Label_Small ZnTunCrs 114 553 Pan 1 Font_Label_Small ZnPan 177 553 Trig 1 Font_Label_Small_Grey Main 121 105 Fade 1 Font_Label_Small_Grey Main 171 105 Poly 1 Font_Label_Small_Grey Main 201 105 Learn 1 Font_Button_Label Main 76 476 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------