---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bitmaps - complete list of bitmaps ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BITMAPS Source Button_Tiny_Stereo Button_Tiny_Solo Button_SOURCE-SYNTH1 Button_SOURCE-SYNTH2 Button_SOURCE-SYNTH3 Button_SOURCE-SYNTH4 Button_SOURCE-SYNTH5 Button_SOURCE-SYNTH6 Button_SOURCE-SYNTH7 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fonts - bitmap name, num chars, char list, char widths ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FONTS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- True Type Fonts - name referring to png and txt file (in BMFont format) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TRUETYPEFONTS 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SelBreakPointR 0 SelBreakPointG 181 SelBreakPointB 226 SelBreakPointA 255 TimeMarkerR 200 TimeMarkerG 200 TimeMarkerB 200 TimeMarkerA 255 ActParR 32 ActParG 44 ActParB 48 ActParA 255 EnvEditorBorderLeft 0 EnvEditorBorderRight 0 EnvEditorBorderTop 2 EnvEditorBorderBottom 0 DropR 63 DropG 179 DropB 236 DropA 25 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ControlName ControlType Image Page x1 y1 x2 y2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PAGES GlobalAdditive SkinnableView Source_Additive.txt Main 655 40 1077 235 GlobalSpectral SkinnableView Source_Spectral.txt Main 655 40 1077 235 GlobalPitch SkinnableView Source_Pitch.txt Main 655 40 1077 235 GlobalFormant SkinnableView Source_Formant.txt Main 655 40 1077 235 GlobalGranular SkinnableView Source_Granular.txt Main 655 40 1077 235 GlobalSampler SkinnableView Source_Sampler.txt Main 655 40 1077 235 GlobalVA SkinnableView Source_VA.txt Main 655 40 1077 235 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ControlName ControlType Image Page x1 y1 x2 y2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTROLS GuiRealTimeViewer RealTimeViewer Background_Black Main 370 15 640 217 GuiEnvWaveformViewer EnvelopeWarpMarkerEditor Background_Black Main 370 15 640 217 GuiGranWaveformViewer EnvelopeWarpMarkerEditor Background_Black Main 370 15 640 217 GuiVAWaveformViewer WaveformViewer Background_Black Main 370 15 640 217 SOn OnButton Button_Small Main 15 15 GuiZnName ZoneNameSelector Button_Dropdown Main 46 15 180 GuiSourceSolo OnButton Button_Tiny_Solo Main 231 15 SStereo OnButton Button_Tiny_Stereo Main 254 15 GuiSourceEdit OnButton Button_Medium Main 286 15 SKeyTrk Selector Button_Dropdown Main 150 109 80 SLoop Selector Button_Dropdown Main 240 109 100 SAmp Knob Knob_45x45px_2c_0-100 Main 20 41 SPan Knob Knob_45x45px_2c_50-0-50 Main 70 41 STunCrs Knob Knob_45x45px_2c_50-0-50 Main 120 41 STunFin Knob Knob_45x45px_2c_50-0-50 Main 170 41 SPos Knob Knob_45x45px_2c_0-100 Main 240 41 SStrtch Knob Knob_45x45px_2c_0-100 Main 290 41 SWait KnobSmall Knob_32x32px_2c_0-100 Main 45 105 SIntKSw KnobSmall Knob_32x32px_2c_0-100 Main 115 105 GuiSourceType RadioButton3 Button_SOURCE-SYNTH1 Main 655 0 1077 7 SFilMix KnobSmall Knob_32x32px_2c_50-0-50 Main 288 173 SEfxRout Selector Button_Dropdown Main 276 208 64 GuiFilterNum RadioButton Button_Group_Tiny_C Main 15 179 250 3 SFiPar RadioButton Button_Group_Small_C Main 15 204 120 2 SF1On OnButton Button_Small Main 105 154 SF1Type ScrollSelector Button_Dropdown Main 134 154 120 SF1Cut Knob Knob_45x45px_2c_0-100 Main 110 172 SF1Res Knob Knob_45x45px_2c_0-100 Main 160 172 SF1Drv Knob Knob_45x45px_2c_0-100 Main 210 172 SF2On OnButton Button_Small Main 105 154 SF2Type ScrollSelector Button_Dropdown Main 134 154 120 SF2Cut Knob Knob_45x45px_2c_0-100 Main 110 172 SF2Res Knob Knob_45x45px_2c_0-100 Main 160 172 SF2Drv Knob Knob_45x45px_2c_0-100 Main 210 172 SF3On OnButton Button_Small Main 105 154 SF3Type ScrollSelector Button_Dropdown Main 134 154 120 SF3Cut Knob Knob_45x45px_2c_0-100 Main 110 172 SF3Res Knob Knob_45x45px_2c_0-100 Main 160 172 SF3Drv Knob Knob_45x45px_2c_0-100 Main 210 172 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- String Enabled Font Page x1 y1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LABELS KEYSW 2 Font_Label_Small SIntKSw 70 138 On 1 Font_Button_Label Main 20 18 S 1 Font_Button_Label Main 235 18 Edit 1 Font_Button_Label Main 301 18 Vol 1 Font_Label_Small SAmp 40 87 Pan 1 Font_Label_Small SPan 93 87 Coarse 1 Font_Label_Small STunCrs 140 87 Tune 1 Font_Label_Small Main 158 88 Fine 1 Font_Label_Small STunFin 197 87 Position 1 Font_Label_Small SPos 242 87 Speed 1 Font_Label_Small SStrtch 298 87 Wait 2 Font_Label_Small SWait 10 119 Keyscale 1 Font_Label_Small_Grey Main 150 130 Loop_Mode 1 Font_Label_Small_Grey Main 240 130 ADDITIVE 1 Font_Button_Label Main 660 9 SPECTRAL 1 Font_Button_Label Main 723 9 PITCH 1 Font_Button_Label Main 795 9 FORMANT 1 Font_Button_Label Main 841 9 GRANULAR 1 Font_Button_Label Main 908 9 SAMPLER 1 Font_Button_Label Main 981 9 VA 1 Font_Button_Label Main 1052 9 On 1 Font_Button_Label Main 110 157 1 1 Font_Button_Label Main 20 183 2 1 Font_Button_Label Main 40 183 3 1 Font_Button_Label Main 60 183 Ser 1 Font_Button_Label Main 22 207 Par 1 Font_Button_Label Main 57 207 FILTER 1 Font_Label_Section Main 15 157 Cutoff 1 Font_Label_Small SF1Cut 58 202 Res 1 Font_Label_Small SF1Res 140 202 Drive 1 Font_Label_Small SF1Drv 240 222 SEND 1 Font_Label_Section Main 290 157 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------